Then I watched her do her number, it was beautiful. Her dress was so professional, and so was her hairpiece, ans she did not smile at all like like a young girl. Everything was as it was supposed to be.

I´ve wanted this for such along time, and now we`re here. He`s probably so nervous, but I looked at him and thought, no, he´s strong and calm like always. He`s ok.
Every eye is on you , every light is on you.
And suddenly , all the nervousness went away, Finally, with nothing left to wait for, I asked my body, Please, do what you can do.

So I tried to forget about the audience. You can go crazy if you think about them too much.
Something different every day, and always very specific

2 comentarios:
hola!..cómo llega alguien a mi blog?
buen punto
no te vi el lunar que compartimos
Tony Robot
Yo tengo un lunar como el tuyo
Otro dia lo posteare
Yo me ubico atras de la camara
Es por eso que es dificil verlo
Un saludo
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